Monday, November 25, 2013


God/Allah is omnipresent & reachable … no matter where we are, no matter our spiritual/religious belief systems are!

An Indian medical doctor leading an early morning yoga exercise session, gave a brief insight into the benefits of ‘Chanting ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’’.

He said: “Even today, we do not fully understand the benefits of ‘Chanting ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’. However with modern knowledge, scientists have concluded that when ‘Chanting ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’ vital organs in our own body vibrates in a sequence.”

Well … I was there & I heard him say.

Later that day I wondered …

“7+ billion people living in this planet today, so separated in religious belief systems … how can each & every one of us contact our Creator to get guidance for our daily living? …

… Even without fully comprehending the benefits of ‘Chanting ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’ they (those who are practicing various Dharmic religions are getting benefit & guidance for their daily living! …

… And then I wondered … if they (those who are practicing various Dharmic religions) are getting benefit & guidance for their daily living, we (monotheistic religion practitioners) - especially my religion’s rituals (Muslim religious rituals and practices) has to have a way for ‘benefit & guidance for our daily living’ too, in the same way or more! …

… Instantaneously it occurred to me … if it has a way it has to be when we recite Surat-al Fathiha (the 1st Chapter of Qur’an). Because it is the only part of Qur’an that is compulsory to read during the 5 daily Prayers! …

… I read … and … it does vibrate our vital organs in our own body in the same sequence … IF read properly (air, breath & letter sounds) … Bingo!

More info on Benefits of ‘Chanting ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’’:

Vibrations in the Body …

“The resonance of the "a" can be felt in the abdomen, the "u" in the chest and finally the "m" vibrates in the head.”


 How to Chant Om …

“9. … chant "aaaaaaaa....". Feel the vibrations in your abdomen (and under the chest).”
“11. … chant "oooooo..." Feel the vibrations in your chest and neck.”
“13. … chant "mmmmmmm...". Feel the vibrations in your head and neck.”

Saturday, March 10, 2012

“Calling ‘Candy Candy’ won’t sweet your mouth!”

About 5 years ago, I was in the lobby of a clinic where many patients were ahead of the queue. As time passed I got attracted to some books & magazines on a table in the corner. Among them was a yearly collection of Al-Jumuah Magazine, UK As I was flipping pages & reading … a particular quote pierced through my conscience. I still can’t comprehend how important that moment meant to me.

It read: “Calling ‘Candy Candy’ won’t sweet your mouth!” An Azarbaijani Proverb.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Contact our Creator ... DIRECTLY!

“No one can do a sin … that God cannot obliterate.”

Pray (implore/ plead/ beg/ ask/ entreat/ request) God so that He could forgive!

“The places of worship belong to GOD; do not call on anyone else beside GOD”. Qur’an 72:18

Fear God!

“When GOD's servant advocated Him alone, almost all of them banded together to oppose him”. Qur’an 72:19

Do not set up any idols beside God!

Say, "I worship only my Lord; I never set up any idols besides Him." Qur’an 72:20

REMEMBER … “We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Not the other way around!”

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Golden Ratio & GOD's 19 Signature

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What is it that IF Muhammad (Messenger of Allah/GOD, PBUH) didn’t announce, he would not have conveyed the Message of Allah/GOD?

Answer: "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord."


O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.

Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people.

Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.