Showing posts with label Hadith/ Sayings of Messengers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hadith/ Sayings of Messengers. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Authenticity ratings: Sayings (Arabic - Hadith) of the Messenger of Allah/GOD, Muhammad (PBUH)

The term hadith ( /ˈhædɪθ/[1] or /hɑːˈdiːθ/[2]) (plural: hadith, hadiths, or ahadith) is used to denote a saying or an act or tacit approval or criticism ascribed either validly or invalidly to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Authenticity ratings:

1. The most Authentic sayings of Messengers of Allah/GOD (PBUT) are found in the Qur’an.
In the Qur’an, any commandment of Allah/ GOD just after “Say” or “(Arabic) قل)” has to be considered as ‘the most Authentic’ Saying (hadith) of a Messenger of Allah/GOD (PBUT).

Examples Sayings (Hadith) of Messenger Muhammad (PBUH):
  • "I have only been commanded to worship Allah and not associate [anything] with Him. To Him I invite, and to Him is my return."   
  •  "O people, if you are in doubt as to my religion - then I do not worship those which you worship besides Allah ; but I worship Allah , who causes your death. And I have been commanded to be of the believers”
  • "Do not worship except Allah . Indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and a bringer of good tidings," "Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of favor his favor. But if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great Day. To Allah is your return, and He is over all things competent."
  • "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah ." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."
  • "I have only been commanded to worship Allah and not associate [anything] with Him. To Him I invite, and to Him is my return."

2. The second most Authentic sayings are found in Original letters of the Messenger of Allah/GOD, Muhammad (PBUH).
Five letters had been identified by scientific evidence as originals, which also bear original seal of the Messenger of Allah/GOD, Muhammad (PBUH).

3. IF the writings of Scribes that had been attributed to as a Saying (Arabic - Hadith) of the Messenger of Allah/GOD, Muhammad (PBUH) and regarded by the above two ratings; that too could be considered as the third most Authentic sayings.
  • The Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- said: "Whoever says: there is no god but Allah enters Paradise." Tabarani narrated it from Abu Dharr in the Kabir (7:55), Ibn Hibban in his Sahih (31), al-Hakim in his Mustadrak (4:251), al-Mundhiri in al-Targhib (2:422), al-Haythami in Majma` al-zawa'id (1:18), Ibn `Adi (7:2639), Abu Nu`aym in the Hilya (7:174), and al-Bazzar from `Umar. 
  • Usama ibn Zayd killed an idolater in battle after the latter had said: "There is no god but Allah" (la ilaha illallah). When news of this reached Allah's Messenger he condemned Usama in the strongest terms and he said to him: "How can you kill him after he said La ilaha illallah?" He replied: "But he said it with the sword hanging over his head-" The Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- said again: "How can you kill him after he said La ilaha illallah?" He replied: "O Messenger of Allah, he said it in dissimulation (taqiyyatan)." The Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- said: "Did you split his heart open (to see)?" and he did not cease to reprove him until Usama wished that he had not entered Islam until after he had killed that man so that he might have been forgiven all his past sins through belief. Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Tayalisi, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, al-`Adni, Abu `Awana, al-Tahawi, al-Hakim, and Bayhaqi.
  • After the passing of the Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- from this world Abu Bakr said to the Companions: "I asked Allah's Messenger what basic thing was necessary for salvation and he replied that whoever accepts the Word which I brought and which I offered to my uncle Abu Talib and which he rejected: this Word constitutes salvation for him." .
  • Concluding …

 So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What is it that IF Muhammad (Messenger of Allah/GOD, PBUH) didn’t announce, he would not have conveyed the Message of Allah/GOD?

Answer: "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord."


O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.

Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people.

Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.