During my quest on dot connecting … I got amazed to hear ‘an incredible story about an Ex-Atheist to whom God answered INSTANTLY to his ‘sincere’ prayer’!
No doubt! Once we are born, anyone of us (human/ Children-of-Adam) is qualified to contact God.
So simple? Yes, it has to be simple because each one of us is accountable directly to God!
“And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).” Qur’an 17:36
“To GOD is your ultimate return, and He is Omnipotent”. Qur’an 11:4
God is very close. Guess how close? [Pls refer Qur’an 8:24]
Few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Kauba Mosque (an Umra). As it was a golden opportunity, I tried hard to prepare my self spiritually.
While the date of departure closing, one day I prayed/ wished to the Lord of the Creation (around me) to showme a sign to follow. On the first glance, I spotted a number printed in black on a white pickup lorry reading: 19.
A second time, while on a journey from Mecca to Medina, we came down from a bus for prayer/ salat. While walking away from the bus an inspiration overtook me ‘look at the bus number’. I stopped & glanced back to read: 19, printed in Gold!
Due to an unavoidable circumstance I had to leave from Saudi Arabia prior to the set date. So one day after I’m back in my country, I wondered ‘I did pray direct to God to show me a sign, but I haven’t been given a sign’! Instantly an inspiration came: ‘the numbers on the vehicles?’ Then I thought. Okay IF the number of days I was able to stay in Saudi Arabia happens to be exactly 19, THEN THAT NUMBER MUST SURELY BE THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYER! If so, I would be obliged to FOLLOW.
I counted … Oh my God!
I now have encountered 19, on 3 different occasions. I tried hard to convince myself that it’s just nothing. Have no meaning. However, I gave the benefit of the doubt. And it paid off well.
During my quest for “the meaning of 19 & 3” I came across a blog on which the author describes “I am in search of the Siraat-e- Mustaqueem (The straight path). I have travelled the world looking for it. He who holds the map of the path I realized is “closer to me than my jugular vein”… “I am (http://asqfish.wordpress.com/about/) the mother of one of those three,” … “nineteen year old, handsome, bright, intelligent and good muslim boys”…
I still wondered what correlation is between 19 and 3. Is it 19 times 3, which is equal to 57? Could 19 and 3 be the map of the path or a way to find the map?
[The above was written about a year agobut due to unavoidable circumstances I couldn’t continue this piece of writing.
Well, today I have a good reason to continue because I believe the author (that had inspired me to ponder more into the true meaning of the sign that God inspired me – 19, on 3 different occasions) had reached to the “KEY of the map”.]
(Today: 21 Jan 2011)
My quest to find the map awakened me to connecting dots.
Along my journey I had reached to ‘the first dot’ a moment earlier and had followed the ‘dots’ to reach to a point where I’m now. BTW, there was always a choice that if I should ‘move forward’ or ‘sit idle ’. I suppose I moved forward (maybe at tortoise speed but forward).
I would consider the dot - ‘THE CREATOR’S SIGNATURE’ (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5584275782001385561#) or ‘The ‘Al-Qur’an the Ultimate Miracle’ (http://creatorsignature.com/alquran.htm) or ‘Witness a miracle’ (http://www.mathmiracle.com/) or ‘Miracle 19’ (http://www.quranmiracles.com/19/) - to be as the ‘KEY DOT’, the “KEY of the map”.
One of the most important dot is that “… the Prophet (Muhammad) married an intellectually and physically mature lady Ayesha.” “… she was 19 …”! (http://iopot.blogspot.com/2009/08/she-was-19.html). This dot could be considered as one of the important reason for the number of Angels guarding the Hell to be 19. (Please refer Qur’an 74, Verses 27 – 30.)
What I learnt so far is that each & every one-of-us/ ‘Children’s of Adam’ requires to connect dots individually for viewing The Map. ‘We actually are Spiritual beings on a Human journey (not the other way)’.
‘The complete map' I consider it to be as ‘the Qur’an’ that is preserved in the Tablet - al-lawh al-mahfuz. I consider it would encompass the ‘Complete knowledge’ which God taught OUR hereditary father - Adam. (Please refer Qur’an 85: 21 – 22). We should acknowledge that God taught our hereditary father Adam (PBUH) all the knowledge. (Please refer Qur’an 2:31)
We are supposed to contact direct to our Creator IF we desire glancing the map! God is very closer to ‘those who believe’. Guess how close? (Please refer Qur’an 8:24)
Perception of The Map, may defer for each of us /Children of Adam because individually we cannot view the full Map. However we must be sure if we are viewing the correct Map. There are certain dots that have to be found if we wish to view the correct Map.
One of the last dot that I discovered is ‘the realization of the combination of the threeVerses of Qur’an’.
“… all God's scriptures, not only the Quran, were mathematically coded with the number “19.” Even the universe at large bears this divine mark. …”Why 19, One of the Great Miracles [74:35], Appendix 1. By Dr Rashad Khalifa.
Another ‘why 19’!
The most obnoxious blaspheme that had been blabbering by the Disbelievers against Prophet Muhammad were never accepted by those who Believed. For that reason the true historical documents are too available today for truthful Believers to study. Though it is such, some so-called-Scholars & Hypocrites had been hasten to disseminate the false historical records even while the factual historical records clearly expose the truth that; “… the Prophet (Muhammad) married an intellectually and physically mature lady Ayesha.” “… she was 19 …”!
“CONCLUSION: The Prophet did not marry a seven-year-old Ayesha because it would have violated the requirement of the valid permission clause of the Islamic Marriage Decree. Therefore, the Prophet married an intellectually and physically mature lady Ayesha.”
“Conclusion: Taking all the various pieces of evidence into consideration, the conclusion of this investigation is that the nikah of Aishah to the Prophet of Islam took place when she was around 16-17 years old, and not 6; and her marriage was solemnized when she was 19 and not 9. The Prophet died when she was 28, not 18; and she became one of the leading scholars and teachers of Islam, giving aid and advice to the subsequent Caliphs.
She lived in widowhood some 40 years, and died in 50 AH/672 CE at the age of 67.22
Sincere and genuine Muslims who believe that she was a minor when she married, are humbly requested to have second thoughts and to derive conclusion afresh after considering all the evidences offered here.”
“Hijrah took place in 622 CE!! If she was born in 602 CE as we PROVED above, Bibi Aisha was around 20 years old when she got married to our beloved Prophet!”
“… as far as the age of Hazrat Aisha is concerned, another well known islamic historican HAKEEM MEHMOOD AHMED ZAFAR SIALKOTI has argued extremely well in his book UMAHAAT UL MOMINEEN and concluded the same age i.e. 19years at the time of marriage...”
“…the age of Hazrat Aisha at 17 during the same period. As all biographers of the Prophet agree that he consummated his marriage with Hazrat Aisha in the year 2 Hijri it can be conclusively said that she was 19 at that time and not nine as alleged in the aforementioned hadiths.”
According to almost all the historians, Asma the elder sister of Aisha, was ten years older than Aisha.[1][2] Asma is reported to die in the 73 AH, when she was 100 years old.[3][4].
Announcement made by Dr Rashad Khalifa on May 15th 1986.
“This year 1986 is the last year to experience the World as we know it today. A new World Wide Era or World Wide System will begin sometime between September 6 1986 and August 25th 1987. We are recording this bulletin on May 15th 1986. …..”