Saturday, July 18, 2015

Holy Cow! … Why Now?

I’m just wondering why another 19 …

In ‘The Book of Numbers’ …

“Numbers begins at Mount Sinai, … The task before them is to take possession of the Promised Land. The people are numbered and preparations are made for resuming their march. God orders Moses, in the wilderness of Sinai, to number those able to bear arms—of all the men "from twenty years old and upward,” … after approximately forty years of wandering the desert, the Lord orders a second census. 601,730 men are counted.”

Just a finding: 601,730 / 19 = 31,670 (a 1, a 3, a 6, a 7 & 0’s in both numbers).

Oh, BTW … I’m not in the habit of just dividing significant numbers (that I come across) by 19 to arrive to this! And it might not have any relevance to why I looked into this part of the history in anyway. 
But … it just occurred to me to check on it because of an unfolding event, reasonably relevant to this part of the history!

“Red Heifer Found in America …!

The Red Heifer is an extremely rare creature. According to Jewish tradition, during the two thousand years from the time this commandment was given until the destruction of the Second Temple in the first century AD, only nine red cows that met the biblical criteria were ever found.”

Raising a Red Heifer in Israel …!

The Red HeiferFrom Moses to the Second Temple: Only Nine Red Heifers
The Tenth Red Heifer Will be Prepared by the Messiah
In recounting this historical record in his commentary to the Mishna, the great Maimonides ends with the enigmatic statement: "... and the tenth red heifer will be accomplished by the king, the Messiah; may he be revealed speedily, Amen, May it be God's will.””

Holy Cow! …

… I’m quite surprised! Not only for what I just learned about …
… but because that ‘The Divine ordinance of purification through the ashes of the RED HEIFER, as outlined in the book of Numbers, chapter 19’

… The book of Numbers? …
… Chapter 19?

“And [recall] when Moses said to his people, "Indeed, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow." They said, "Do you take us in ridicule?" He said, "I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant."

They said, "Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is." [Moses] said, "[ Allah ] says, 'It is a cow which is neither old nor virgin, but median between that,' so do what you are commanded."

They said, "Call upon your Lord to show us what is her color." He said, "He says, 'It is a yellow cow, bright in color - pleasing to the
observers.' "

They said, "Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is. Indeed, [all] cows look alike to us. And indeed we, if Allah wills, will be guided."

He said, "He says, 'It is a cow neither trained to plow the earth nor to irrigate the field, one free from fault with no spot upon her.' " They said, "Now you have come with the truth." So they slaughtered her, but they could hardly do it.

And [recall] when you slew a man and disputed over it, but Allah was to bring out that which you were concealing.

So, We said, "Strike the slain man with part of it." Thus does Allah bring the dead to life, and He shows you His signs that you might reason.”!/2/67-73

… & BTW …
… Why Now?